Resource Center
Want to write a review online about your experience with us? Below is a list of websites you can use to post your review of our service. If you’re familiar with the process for posting a review or are already a member, click on the desired link below and start the process. How to write and publish a review Below are step-by-step directions for your reference as you go through the review process. We are providing specific directions for Google as point of reference, however, these instructions are relevant for all of the other sites. 1. Sign Into Google You can use any Google account (e.g., Gmail account) to sign in. If you do not already have a Google account, you can quickly create one here: 2. Search for Your Listing Search for FirePower Graphics Dubuque, Iowa in Google’s search engine. Press Google Search. 3. Find FirePower Graphics Google should display a Map, showing FirePower Graphics location. 4. Click on "Directions and More" This is the bottom link next to the pink tear drop that represents your location. *Note: Google sometimes varies the text displayed for a listing. Instead of "Directions and more >>", you may see a link labeled "Write a review" or 'more information.) Click on whichever of these links is available. 5. Google Maps Listing You are now at the Google Maps listing for FirePower Graphics. Depending on which link you clicked on in step 4 above, you may have to click one more time to get to the review page. For example, if you clicked "Directions and more >>", you will need to click on the "Write a review" link (located just below the large, bold-faced "FirePower Graphics" title just to the left of the map, near the top of the page). 6. Enter Your Review If you have already signed into Google, you can enter your review. If not, you must sign in now. Once signed in, you can enter a title, star rating, and textual review. Please be as honest and specific as you can with your review. Save your review when done by clicking the Save button below your text. A positive review, while appreciated, is something we expect to earn, but is not required in a review. We thank you for your honest appraisal. If you have questions regarding this process, please email us. |